German Alumni Circles support young students

A university education is by no means a given for everyone, and current crises are increasing inequality of opportunity. Obtaining a university degree not only vastly improves someone’s job opportunities, but can also affect their health and housing situation. When it comes to studying, certain groups of young people face social and financial barriers. The University Fund Limburg is committed to facilitating scholarships for those who don't have the means to study. After all, education should be accessible for everyone.
Amongst our alumni community, we see a growing interest to give back to Maastricht University, and support young students in their academic career. During the Christmas events organised by various alumni circles in Germany, the community is joining forces to support equal educational opportunities at their alma mater.
We need 7500 euros to provide a full scholarship for one new student, in order to obtain a bachelor's degree. Help an ambitious young student to study at Maastricht University and grasp the same opportunities our alumni had.
About Maastricht University Alumni Circles
An Alumni Circle is a local network of UM alumni who get together, and organise events on a time-to-time basis. An Alumni Circle consists of an Alumni Committee with a few dedicated alumni who are willing to facilitate and host events in their city. Together with the Event and Community Coordinator from the Alumni Office, they develop the programme. The committee members are key in maintaining the local network and fulfil an important role as ambassadors of Maastricht University.
UM Crowd is part of the University Fund Limburg/SWOL. This fund is a recognised 'algemeen nut beogende instelling' (ANBI). This means that your donation is fully or partially tax deductible. You will receive an automatic email with a receipt after your donation. Click here for more information about ANBI.