We've reached our goal: €25.000 raised!

28-03-2024 | 11:53

We did it! With your support, we have reached the target amount for the Heart Ma'at project!

We want to express our immense gratitude to everyone who donated. Thanks to your generosity, we can now kickstart the research on art therapy for heart patients. This presents a valuable opportunity to truly make a difference in the lives of countless heart patients struggling with severe mental health issues.

The HeArt Ma'at team will continue the crowdfunding campaign for the time being. On Sunday, June 9, 2024, you can cheer on the HeArt Ma'at Racing Crew during Maastrichts Mooiste. In this way, we hope to raise additional funds for the research; all extras are warmly welcomed!

Once again, thank you immensely for your support. We will keep you updated on the progress of the research.