Give to… women with chronic pain

No fewer than 1 in 10 women worldwide live with intense abdominal pain, reduced fertility and pain during sexual intercourse. These symptoms are all part of the relatively unknown disease endometriosis. Doctor and researcher Esther van Barneveld is developing an app for patients that will lead to better, more personalised treatment. Your donation will contribute to a painless future for all women and increased awareness of endometriosis.
About project owner Esther van Barneveld
Esther van Barneveld (l. on photo) was born in Wageningen and studied gynaecology at Radboud University in Nijmegen. She used to work at the gynaecology ward in the hospital of Arnhem, but moved to Maastricht because she got the opportunity to carry out PhD research there. Besides her work, Esther spends time on her hobbies and sports: swimming, cycling and running. The Rotterdam marathon and a full triathlon in Copenhagen are planned for 2020. After her PhD research, Esther hopes to become a gynaecologist.
Esther (l. in picture): “Where my interest in endometriosis is coming from? During my internships, my mentor learned me a lot about the disorder. I was surprised that the disorder is relatively unknown, even though the consequences are very big. Next to infertility, the symptoms cause pain that makes work, sport and sex harder or even impossible. This massively affects the quality of life. I want to contribute with my research!”For Each Other 2019
Over the past 12 months, Maastricht University again devoted itself to the important tasks of education and research, with the ultimate aim of building a better society. As ever, the University Fund Limburg/SWOL supports the university in this effort. But your support is essential, too. Together, we will make this project a success! Are you there For Each Other?
You make your donation to the University Fund Limburg/SWOL, the charitable foundation of Maastricht University. This fund is a registered public benefit organisation (ANBI), which means your donation is tax deductible. For more information, please visit the website of University Fund Limburg/SWOL:
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