Give to... less plastic

From ponds to garbage dumps, shopping streets to residential areas, plastic is everywhere. The students behind Precious Plastic Maastricht see it not as waste, but as a raw material. These enterprising students are building a workshop full of machines that transform plastic into brand new products, such as materials for 3D printers, rubbish bins and beams. This is your chance to contribute to a clean and sustainable world!
About project team Precious Plastic
Stichting Precious Plastic Maastricht is a student led initiative, established in February 2019, tackling both plastic over-consumption and waste in Maastricht. ''Although we are a newly established foundation, we have successfully integrated ourselves with the local community, and are beginning to see the results of our work. Our goal is to provide a local upcycling opportunity. To achieve this, we are building machines based on Dave Hakkens’ designs, which allow us to upcycle plastic waste into durable products. Alongside this, we are working with local initiatives to raise awareness and educate our citizens on the issue that is plastic waste.'' (Photo: Harry Heuts / UM)
For Each Other 2019
Over the past 12 months, Maastricht University again devoted itself to the important tasks of education and research, with the ultimate aim of building a better society. As ever, the University Fund Limburg/SWOL supports the university in this effort. But your support is essential, too. Together, we will make this project a success! Are you there For Each Other?
You make your donation to the University Fund Limburg/SWOL, the charitable foundation of Maastricht University. This fund is a registered public benefit organisation (ANBI), which means your donation is tax deductible. For more information, please visit the website of University Fund Limburg/SWOL:
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