AD(H)D: support the development of female students

Delving into your books for hours to study or listening attentively to a long lecture, all whilst being quiet and sitting still to not disturb others: for some students this sounds like an almost impossible task. In the Netherlands, about 4% of all students experience symptoms of AD(H)D (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), which often manifests itself in short attention spans, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. Currently, only 7% of the students who are entitled to certain facilities make use of them, because the help often does not match their needs. It is time for a change.
Eveline van Eerd, master's student at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, knows very well what it is like to live with AD(H)D. As a woman, she experiences the disorder differently than her fellow male students, since AD(H)D symptoms and associated support needs differ between men and women. However, research is still mainly focused on the male brain and body. With her campaign, Eveline wants to raise awareness for this matter, identify the needs of female students and create an action plan for Dutch educational institutions (MBO, HBO and WO). A first, concrete step is to organize focus sessions to identify experiences and needs. In order to do so, additional funding is needed.
'As part of the target group, I feel a strong connection to the topic. With this campaign, I aim to gain a better understanding of the needs of female students with AD(H)D, and work with students and educational institutes to develop tools, practices and facilities to meet those needs. In addition, I hope it will create awareness about the value of gender-specific research, in order to close the gender gap.' – Eveline van Eerd, master's student at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
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